LHS ATSI Title 1 School Plan
Date: May 15th 2023
Date: May 17, 2022
To: Lebanon High School Stakeholders
From: William Giovino 
Re: Summary of the Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (A-TSI) Year 4 Plan
As part of the Federal Every Student Succeeds Act, schools are monitored for progress in the following areas: achievement and growth, English Learners, graduation rate, attendance and truancy and college and career readiness. Based on Lebanon High School’s progress in these areas, we have been identified as a school that will have an improvement plan (commonly known as the A-TSI plan).
This plan will allow our school to focus on specific priorities in alignment with our five district priorities. Beginning in the spring of 2019, our Steering Committee, comprised of LHS faculty, parents, community members and district office staff, identified three areas of focus for our A-TSI plan. These areas were: curriculum development and revision; collaboration of staff to support curriculum design, multi-tiered support systems including a positive behavior support system (commonly known as PBIS). We will continue to make these three areas our focus in this upcoming year four of our plan.
Curriculum Development and Revision:
The plan details that in the 2022-23 school year, our current curriculum documents will be organized utilizing a common format for online viewing. We will once again provide professional development on standards-aligned curriculum, appropriate differentiation and accommodations for students with IEPs and English Learners and lesson planning. The Lebanon High School staff will also participate in multiple professional development trainings in order to understand and use evidence-based strategies to plan, facilitate, and assess authentic learning opportunities.
The goal is to increase achievement and growth of students and also increase the commonality of assessments and instruction across common courses.
Utilize Collaboration for Data-Driven Curriculum and Student Support:
Staff will participate in professional development from the Critical Friends Group for Professional Learning Communities (PLC). A core team of administration and two additional staff members will be trained this summer to become the leaders in setting goals for collaboration and the development of protocols to create change in the areas of curriculum, student behavior and data-driven decision making.
The goal is to effectively utilize collaboration time for staff to focus on curriculum, instruction, and student academic and behavioral supports.
Multi-Tiered Support Systems (MTSS) including Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS):
Training will continue for all staff in the PBIS model, as well as, implement other components of MTSS. A core team of staff had prior training and will continue to be the leaders in the development of the tiered interventions and rewards.
The goal is to continue to promote a safe school learning environment, in addition to increasing student attendance and commitment to coursework while decreasing discipline referrals and suspensions.
The information above highlights our plan but I have also attached the entire plan for your review.
Mr. William A. Giovino
Principal, Lebanon High School
Go Cedars